We identify the right target for your Strategy!
Mergers – Acquisitions – Reconversions

Our main objective :

Anticipate your strategies in order to react in time, when needed

We study the business strategy of our clients, their external growth projects and anticipate upstream issues like:

  • future relocations
  • transfer of parts of the industrial activity or company
  • acquisition of a new activity or a competing business
  • Industrial capacity requirements
  • search for partners and investors
  • .....

Our consultants have extensive field experience

They operate in the most efficient and confidential manner

ICONE Group, expert in Industrial Mergers & Acquisitions and Industrial Conversions in Europe, accompanies you in both phases, acquisitions (M&A, acquisitions and Joint Ventures) or divestitures (for example during a withdrawal of one of your industrial sites in Europe).

Our expertise:

  • Mergers and Acquisitions in all Industry fields
  • “Industrial Re-Conversion”
  • Industrial Expertise, Productivity Enhancement
  • Search for industrial opportunities, for investors

Our strengths:

  • International Consulting Network, very responsive in finding adequate solutions, capable of quickly forming multidisciplinary project teams
  • Specialization in Industry, all our partners are former industry owners or industry decision makers


The partners and founders of ICONE Group are experts with interdisciplinary skills and great experience in industry consulting, in very diverse technical fields. They are also former industrial owners who understand your constraints and the evolving industrial strategies you need to implement.

A team of efficient consultants

Our clients:

  • Large international groups, in the frame of their international development strategy, e.g. during one of their acquisitions of companies or projects or during the disengagement of one of their industrial production plants,
  • SMEs or developing industrial groups wishing to acquire an industrial company, or to take over an industrial site to produce their own products.

Our Compensation:

Our compensation is based on success.